Enabling unity of human and machine


Delta Cygni Labs is the creator of XRTC® high-resilience API acceleration solution for ultra low-latency and firewall-friendly data transmission, POINTR® augmented reality remote collaboration application, and AstroVAR astronaut information support system.

With technology roots dating back to 2008 from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Thales Alenia Space Italy, and the European Space Agency, Delta Cygni Labs has established itself as a leader in mission-critical communication technologies.

XRTC provides unprecedented reliability for communication in remote operations, autonomous and semi-autonomous machines, IoT, and real-time AI, fully compatible with classic TCP/HTTPS. With its core advantage in eliminating TCP head-of-line blocking, XRTC outperforms all other TCP-based solutions by up to 30 times. Unlike UDP-based solutions, XRTC is natively enterprise firewall and proxy compatible, making it easy to adopt without the need for changes in API business logic. XRTC offers unparalleled resiliency for field operations.

Product website XRTC

Product website POINTR

History of Delta Cygni Labs
We unite the power of human and machine, society and technology, for efficient, safe and responsible development of humanity on Earth and beyond
We collaborate with our customers to drive digital transformation, ensure operational resilience and deliver sustainable solutions
We stand for privacy of tomorrow, security by design, lean and agile philosophy to save the planet for the generations to come

Over the past century, advancements in space, air, rail, and maritime have improved transport of goods by a factor of 30. With XRTC, we've achieved that same magnitude of improvement in transport of data for resilience, speed, and efficiency.

Sauli Kiviranta, CEO

Core of digitalization will depend on how efficiently and reliably we can utilize the industrial networks, ensuring that customers' roadmaps and tools meet their operational requirements, day to day, and in the extremes.

Vesa Kainulainen, COO

Space grade performance, reliability and security are the foundation for digital transformation in industry. We nurture all these qualities.

Jan-Marc Raitz, Partner

Delta Cygni is a triple star in the constellation of Cygnus – Latin name for swan. This third magnitude star is placed in the northern wing of swan and projected on the Orion-Cygnus arm of the Milky Way, our galaxy, where the Solar system is located. Due to precession – the periodic movement of Earth’s rotation axis – Delta Cygni will become the new Polar star near year 11250 AD.

"Labs" in the name signifies the strong research foundation of the company. Our logo – the Delta in the shape of rising black swan – refers to the unexpected events having a major impact on the history of humanity by the Black Swan theory.

Delta Cygni Labs is solving technical human-to-human communication problems for industry, by applying scientific results and fundamental concepts of Cybernetics, Human-Machine-Systems and Augmented Reality.


Co-creation with the customer is the driver for product-market fit. We take deep tech into the extreme environment use-cases for maximum reliability.

Marco Carandente, CTO
Leading a series of applied science projects with the European industries in augmented and virtual reality for high-value manual work support, specifically in the space and thermonuclear fusion (ITER) applications. Learn More
Founding Delta Cygni Labs as a spin-off of VTT State Technical Research Center of Finland. Productizing “Astrovar” – a portable projected augmented reality equipment designed to assist astronauts in intra- and extravehicular activities onboard of the International Space Station. Learn More
Launching “POINTR”, DCL’s current product – a mobile cloud-based remote collaboration solution powered by augmented reality. Learn More
Cooperation with the European Space Agency in the PointSat project to develop "XRTC" - the next generation of real time voice, video, AR, IoT streaming protocol. Learn More
Augmented reality sticky instructions deployed in POINTR for mass use on modern smart phones. Powerful workflows, built for purpose, fast and cybersecure XRTC-based backbone, POINTR reaches 55000 B2B users across 160+ countries. On-premise deployment thanks to off-line POINTR capability (e.g. vessels, mines, goverment). Learn More
“XRTC” for API acceleration released to unlock the full potential of high-resiliency, high-efficiency and low latency data transfer across remote-control all the way to website user-experience. Pave the way for real-time AI, UAV controlled beyond the line of site, 8K real time media streaming. Learn More

Delta Cygni Labs: Collaboration from Oklahoma to Mars!

Stephen Lee, space enthusiast, USA